Words For When

life happens


I often need to find words for non-Hallmark occasions. As a pastor, chaplain, songwriter, sermon writer, mother, daughter, wife and human being, I crave words that are honest, authentic, apropos, and (yes!) even beautiful, especially if the occasion they mark is not. So, I scavenge for good words wherever I can find them. Sometimes they are prayers or lyrics or poems or a word captured in an image. I know some amazing collectors of words, and some amazing writers of words, and I hope to post some of their treasures here. I’ll post some of my own writing, as well. If I’m really lucky, some strangers will pass by here and leave what they’ve found, too (hint, hint).  Maybe others of you are out there looking for good words, too.

Feel free to use my words (I’ll credit words I post that are others’, so you’ll know), but please do give credit when appropriate and please don’t use my words to turn a profit. I trust that anyone looking for the kinds of words I’m writing or posting here is needing them for good reason — for the same reasons I’m always trolling for them!

*ginkgo cover photo by Joseph Gascho ~ the photo is his, the dubious crop job is mine, so to see it in its full glory go to www.jgascho.com/Site/Leaves.html

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